Writing in College ≠ Write Whatever I Want

I like to write and if I am writing something that I enjoy, I can write a lot. However, sometimes, when it comes to academic writing, I stuck because of the grading, the standards, and I might not write something completely different from what the professor wants from me.


I wonder if other college students feel the same as I do. I googled for “writing in college meme”. After I looked them through, I thought they were very interesting and I want to share these memes with you all and my thoughts on them.


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What caught my eye about this meme is “giving your professor what you think they want”. In my opinion, this is the trickiest part of academic writing. Some people know well what the professor wants from the assignment and they can get a good grade without knowing what they are actually writing. However, if someone really puts efforts in their writing but result in a bad grade because the writing is not what the professor wants. This can be very discouraging to college writers. It is very sad to acknowledge that, for most of the time, what we what to write is not what the professor wanted. Instead, I believe it is necessary for the professors to get to know the wide range of backgrounds that students come from. Thus, professors should be understanding and accepting of different ideas and creative answers. Click here for my last blog post which I talked about related issue. 


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I agree with this meme because there are examples in my real life that either the professors are pushing their viewpoints and opinions on me or my friends. One of my friends who is an international student attending college in Boston, MA. Last semester, in one of his classes, the professor offered extra credit opportunity for students who vote for the election and also pushing his political view to the entire class. However, he is an international student and not qualify to vote in the U.S. He was told by the professor that if he wants to participate in this extra credit opportunity, he will have to do some extra work which is to write a paper. I also found some similar stories here


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I feel terribly sorry for people who feel this way for their college writing. I can understand this situation when students don’t actually learn things but ask to write about it. I believe this usually happens when the student did not get enough knowledge in the field of study and not passionate about the topics that they are going to write. I feel like writing in college provided us the opportunity to express our opinions on certain topics, but more freedom is appreciated in terms of topics, styles, tones, perspectives, and forms.  

Why these memes are popular? Because these memes are entertaining to look at, at the same time, they are telling the truth.

Here are more memes that I found and I thought it is interesting to look at. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section.

meme 5

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meme 6.png

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3 thoughts on “Writing in College ≠ Write Whatever I Want

  1. I really enjoyed reading this piece because it does into depth about the memes centered around academic writing. When you think of memes, it does not necessarily make one think about deeper thoughts, but makes someone just laugh at first look. Reading your post made me realize how our frustrations and struggles with writing could definitely weave into the way these memes are made.

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